Alex Battler—professor of political science, economics, and international relations, and widely known under the pen name Oleg Arin—is a Canadian scholar and political writer whose interests encompass a wide range of social and natural sciences disciplines.

More than 500 scientific and publicistic works, including articles, books and monographs focusing on problems of security, politics and economy of the USSR/Russia, Japan, China, Canada, and the USA have been published In the Soviet Union / Russia, China, Japan, India, Korea, Hong Kong, Canada, USA, Germany.
The Theory of Foreign Policy and International Relations; the International Relations in East Asia (economy, politics, security); Economy, social, domestic and foreign policy of Russia, the USA, Japan and China; the Past, current and future of Russia; the Comparative Politics, Philosophy and Sociology.
Courses taught at different universities and institutions:
Multitude of lectures from 1974 covered the following subjects: Russia in the 20th Century; USSR/Russia Foreign Policy after 1917; Contemporary Russia (politics, economy, security); the International Relations in East Asia; Foreign Policy of the USA, Japan, and China in East Asia; Theory of Foreign Policy and International Relations; History of Political Thoughts; Comparative Politics.
Professional Experience:
2010 (April-May). Visiting Professor of Political Science Department of "High School TV", MSU
2009– current. Independent Researcher (New York)
2006 Independent Researcher (Paris - New York - Moscow)
2003 – 2006. Professor of Political Science of the Institute of Russian History. Russian State University for Humanities (Moscow)
2002–2003. Institute of Philosophy. Leading research fellow of the Department of History of Political Philosophy (Moscow). Russian State Humanitarian University, Chief research fellow at the Institute of Russian History (Moscow).
1999–2002. Moscow State University, Faculty of Journalism. Professor of Political Science.
1997– 2001. Moscow State Institute for International Relations (MGIMO – University) Chief research fellow of the Centre of International Studies.
1997–1998. International Independent University of Ecology & Politology. Professor of Political Science.
1998. Moscow State University, Professor of Economics.
1995–1997. Director of the Institute of Russian and East Asian Studies (Canada, Vancouver).
1995. University of British Columbia (Vancouver). Professor of Political Science.
1992–1993. Nagoya University (Nagoya, Japan). Visiting Fellow of the Economic Research Centre.
1989–1992. Institute of Economic and International Studies of the Pacific Region (Vladivostok, Russia). Director.
1988–1989. Institute of Social Sciences (Moscow). Associate Professor.
1979–1988. Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Institute of World Economy and International Relations (Moscow). Senior Researcher.
1974–1979. Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Institute of the Far Eastern Studies (Moscow). Junior Researcher.