"Society: Progress and Force (Criteria and First Principles)" by Dr. Alex Battler Brings a Philosophical Brainstorm to the Social and Natural Sciences.
Canadian-Russian scholar and political writer Dr. Alex Battler formulates the Criteria of Progress based on entirely different scientific paradigms.
NEW YORK, Mar. 18, 2013 – Dr. Alex Battler's book “Society: Progress and Force (Criteria and First Principles),” just released in a new edition and translation from CreateSpace, spans a wide field of social thought: philosophy, political science, sociology, demography and even psychology. Uniting these disciplines, the book presents a significant and unique approach. Battler, engaging in polemical and even stinging critiques of all prominent thinkers, has dared to formulate the two Principles of Social Development, which are akin to the first and second laws of thermodynamics. The author's innovative definition of Progress is based on the universal criterion of the life delta of mankind. Battler eschews the middle ground in social studies, an area that many have grown to appreciate and in which many believe they are experts.
Russian-born Dr. Alex Battler – professor of political science, economics and international relations, and widely known under the pen name Oleg Arin – is a Marxist Canadian scholar and political writer whose interests encompass a wide range of social and natural sciences disciplinees. Battler is the author of a number of laws and regularities in the areas of philosophy, sociology and the theory of international relations. The most important among them is a new ontological interpretation of the category of Force presented in the monograph “Dialectics of Force.” The category of Ontological Force has allowed him to develop a new definition of the concept of Progress in his monograph “Society: Progress and Force (Criteria and First Principles).” In his monograph “The 21st Century: The World without Russia,” Battler formulated laws in geoeconomics and in geostrategy – the law of poles and the law of center of power, respectively. He also introduced the concept of the foreign policy potential of a nation-state and a methodology for computing it, as well as the optimal expenditure ratios for that policy.
Regarding the new edition of “Society: Progress and Force (Criteria and First Principles),” Battler says, “This book encompasses different branches of knowledge. It is not because I am a big fan of all these 'logies'; it is just that the problems of Force and Progress in society stand at the juncture of the sciences mentioned. Without addressing them, it would not have been possible to formulate the fundamental laws of Force and Progress that are the First and Second Principles of Social Development. These principles are as integral to society as the first and second laws of thermodynamics are fundamental to the Universe.”

The present book, being a sequel to Dialectics of Force: Ontbia, is dedicated to the topics of progress and force of society – topics that may appear trivial at first sight, for a mountain of literature has been written on them. The author, however, having conscientiously presented the views on progress and force of all prominent thinkers over the past and the present, chose to follow a distinct path and formulated the criteria of progress based on entirely different scientific paradigms. Moreover, he dared to formulate the two Principles of Social Development, which are akin in their fundamental nature to the first and second laws of thermodynamics. The result is a book that is very complex in content. Nonetheless, the style of presentation used throughout most of the work makes it accessible even to those who have never read HegelHegel.
This book is intended for instructors and students of philosophy and social sciences, and also for all those who are interested in problems of man and mankind.